Ivory Coast
The hackathon in Ivory Coast took off on May 30, 2024, with an introductory session at AGL’s YIRI innovation center, before continuing the adventure in idyllic Assinie. Ten carefully selected teams, bringing together 33 participants from all over Côte d’Ivoire, embarked on this unique experience.
Projects focused on key issues: waste reduction, water conservation, sustainable agriculture, the circular economy and biodiversity protection. Each of these areas offered fertile ground for innovative ideas.
The fourth day marked the culmination of this adventure: the final. The ten teams had the opportunity to present their projects before a jury, offering a memorable conclusion to this first edition in Africa.
The Pangaea X 2024 program, with its emphasis on innovation and personal development, had a significant impact on participants and teams alike. Designed to stimulate creativity, it encouraged participants to step out of their comfort zones, master emotional and stress management, and hone their public speaking skills. The course includes a personal development follow-up, enabling each participant to progress.
Highlights of the hackathon included interactive workshops and intensive coaching sessions, offering invaluable advice on refining concepts. The challenges offered pushed teams to explore new perspectives and constantly push back their innovative boundaries. In this unique setting, each participant was able to develop and strengthen his or her skills, while contributing to the search for solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.


GrennCulturaTech aims to set up a mobile alert, information and training application linked to climate change and the mitigation of its adverse effects on agriculture and the environment.

Phoenix from the Impact Ladies team is a mobile app focused on the circular economy in Ivory Coast, designed to reduce waste and promote the reuse of resources.
The app facilitates local recycling and waste collection by connecting users with collection points and recycling services. As well as providing information on sustainable practices, Phoenix rewards users to encourage their participation. The app also includes a marketplace dedicated to the sale of recycled and reusable products, as well as a blog that shares tips and news on the circular economy.

Ivoire Green Genius aims to create a centralized physical location where households can bring their recyclable waste and benefit from advanced sorting services, recycling advice and environmental awareness.
The center would be equipped with cutting-edge technologies, such as automated sorting machines, intelligent compactors and state-of-the-art waste management systems.

MEDEV is an integrated early warning and crisis management system for floods in Ivory Coast.
The system combines a web platform and a mobile application to provide essential functionalities: real-time visualization of at-risk areas and potential flood zones via regularly updated maps, generation of alerts for rapid and effective intervention, as well as awareness-raising and training modules on flood prevention.

Plant-air consists of growing organic vegetables on the roofs of buildings in the city, with a view to preserving the land.
The project is based on recycling (in the development of an agricultural system), composting (reuse of agricultural waste from their operations) and water conservation (conservation and reuse of water).

The READY team’s BioCycle project aims to set up an innovative system for managing food waste in markets in Ivory Coast.
BioCycle helps to promote sustainable resource management while supporting local communities and preserving the environment.

Siboré transforms banana fibers into biodegradable wicks for women’s beauty.

Tanebito recycles PET to make water filters, water bottles with filtration systems and garbage can bags for selective waste sorting.
On June 1, 2024, the grand final of the first edition of Pangaea X Ivory Coast took place in Assinie.
Each team had 7 minutes to present its project to the jury, followed by 10 minutes of questions. After more than 2 hours of deliberation, the jury elected the winning team “Ivoire Straw”.
The teams received various prizes. These included:

Ivoire Straw won first prize in this hackathon and is therefore the winning team of this first 2024 edition!
Thanks to their project, which involves using rice straw, an unused and burnt agricultural waste, to make biodegradable packaging in Côte d’Ivoire, You and Leteneminni walk away with:
- Integration into the European program to further develop their project for 5 months.
- A trip to France and Switzerland to join the European program’s face-to-face sessions.

MEDEV wins the AGL award for their project, which consists of an integrated early warning and crisis management system for floods in Ivory Coast.
Edgar, Franck, Valent and Medi leave with :
- Incubation at the YIRI innovation center in Abidjan for the duration of the program.
This prize is designed to encourage and support creative and ambitious teams who did not win the first prize, so that they can continue to develop their innovative ideas and be guided on their entrepreneurial journey.

Siboré wins the MSC Foundation award for her unwavering determination with an innovative project: transforming banana fibers into biodegradable wicks for women’s beautification.
Fatou and Fabiola walk away with :
- A cash prize of €5,000