The 2024 edition of Pangaea X, which kicked off on June 1, brought together 30 participants from various European countries (France, Switzerland, Belgium). The 11 teams will have 5 months to turn their ideas into a real business plan at the final on October 18 in Paris.
This year, participants focused on six major themes, each of crucial importance to our collective future.
Participants explored these themes with an innovative and collaborative approach, developing solutions that not only meet local needs but also contribute to global sustainability goals.

The 2024 Pangaea X program, with its emphasis on rapid innovation and personal development, has had a considerable impact on participants and teams alike. This year, the focus was on rapid and frequent hypothesis testing to accelerate concept validation and solution implementation. By integrating artificial intelligence, the program enabled teams to get closer to their customers quickly, facilitating rapid and efficient iteration.
A key aspect was to ensure clarity and elevation of ideas for the nine teams involved. This involved assessing market viability, exploring feasibility and taking their concepts forward.


Create a co-browsing platform to develop low-carbon transport for passengers wishing to cross maritime zones.

A dedicated garbage pile alert platform for town halls would enable citizens to quickly and easily report areas where garbage is piling up.

Sea expedition agency offering immersive and enriching experiences to reconnect with nature, discover marine biodiversity, and promote environmental conservation.

An educational and entertaining turnkey user’s guide to sustainable boating in all its facets

Holistic health app designed to improve well-being and reconnect with nature. Based on the Health Tree concept, the app features progress tracking, community networking, gamification and personalized coaching.

The Kairos project is an innovative initiative aimed at centralizing and energizing environmental efforts through a dedicated application. The main objective is to create an interactive network for eco-conscious people, enabling them to inform themselves, take action and share environmental actions on a global scale.

Izyflore is a designer vermicomposter that combines the simple recycling of biowaste, independent plant cultivation and fun learning for children.

The project places technological compost skips at strategic points to facilitate bio-waste sorting, and rewards users for their ecological contributions.

Costal Horizon
Coastal Horizon specializes in coral restoration using electrolysis, a technique that accelerates coral growth. We deploy this technology with the aim of protecting and restoring coral ecosystems, strengthening their resilience in the face of current and future environmental challenges.
On Friday, October 18, 2024, the grand final of the third edition of Pangaea X took place at Station F. Each team had 15 minutes to present its project to the jury, followed by 20 minutes of questions. After more than 2 hours of deliberation, the jury elected “Izyflore” as the winning team. A final ceremony also took place on the same day, during which the teams received various prizes. These included:

1st prize
Izyflore won first prize and is therefore the winning team of this 2024 edition!
Izyflore is an easy-to-use vermicomposter that transforms your kitchen waste into natural compost, while reducing waste and greenhouse gases. It also allows you to easily grow plants and herbs within easy reach, even in an urban environment. 5 months after starting the adventure, Tanguy and Anselme left Station F with :
- 20k EUR to start their adventure as a start-up
- 1 year of support with Reversed and Bold Entrepreneur

Booster prize
Team Abord wins the booster prize. The booster prize is a real helping hand.
Justine and Étienne walk away with 5,000 euros and 3 months’ incubation at Station F.
Abord’s project aims to create a co-browsing platform to develop low-carbon transport for passengers wishing to cross maritime zones.

People’s choice award & Favorite prize
The winning team was chosen by an audience of over 300 people at Station F in Paris on October 18.
Ivoire Straw won the Audience Award and the Coup de Coeur Award thanks to their charisma and their project.
Their project involves using rice straw, an unused, burnt agricultural waste product, to make biodegradable packaging in Côte d’Ivoire.
The prize, donated by CANON France, consists of high-quality video equipment to document their progress.