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This program is organized by the Pangaea X Association, whose registered office is located at Route du Lac 3, 1094 Paudex, Switzerland (“the Association”).

The purpose of the Regulations is to define the terms and rules for participation in the Programme.

Participation in the Programme implies full and unconditional acceptance of these Regulations by all participants. If you disagree with the terms of the regulations, you should not register or participate in the Challenge.

Duration of the Programme

Registrations for the challenge begin on February 25, 2024, at 00:00 UTC+1 and end on May 19, 2024, at 23:59 UTC+1. Registrations for the challenge are accessible 24 hours a day on the dedicated website at the URL: (the “Challenge Site”), subject to possible IT maintenance operations or malfunctions. The aforementioned dates and times refer to Coordinated Universal Time UTC+1.

The Pangaea X program starts on June 1, 2024, with the announcement of the 10 selected teams. It ends on October 18, 2024.

Acceptance of the Regulations

Anyone registered on the Challenge Site and for the Challenge (“the Participant” or “You”) must expressly read the Regulations and accept them. By accessing and accepting the Regulations, you:

  1. Enter into an enforceable contract with the organizing Association, provided that registration and participation in the Program do not create any subordinate relationship between the Association and the Participant; and
  2. Fully and unconditionally agree to comply with these Regulations in all their provisions.

Acceptance is done by ticking a box during online registration for the Program.

Non-compliance with these Regulations will result in immediate cancellation of participation.

Registration and Participation in the Program

To participate in the Program, complete registration must be received before February 25, 2024, at 23:59 UTC+1.

To participate in the Program, the Participant must form a team and notify the Association of the required information, such as the names, first names, and email addresses of the teammates. The registration form must be fully completed. The deliverables requested in the form must also be submitted.

The organizing Association reserves the right to disqualify any Participant who does not provide or provides incomplete deliverables or the information required to participate in the Program.

The Participant is responsible for the information provided during registration for the Program. Errors, anomalies, and inconsistencies in this information, whether intentional or not, may lead to the disqualification of the Participant.

The Association reserves the right to carry out all necessary checks concerning the identity, postal and/or electronic address of the Participants.

Registration and participation in the Program are entirely free of charge.

Conditions for Participation in the Program

The Program is open only to:

  • Teams composed of at least two physical persons aged between 18 (eighteen) and 29 (twenty-nine) years.
  • Francophones with a domicile located in Europe

All documents that can justify the Participant’s eligibility for the Program will be requested before the awarding of prizes (identity document, etc.).

The Program is null and void in countries where it is prohibited or restricted by law or regulation.

Principle of the Program and Terms of Participation

Participation in the Program must be done in teams.

Teams. Individual participants may choose to form a team (the “Team”) of up to four members. Each Team member must accept the Regulations by clicking online via the Pangaea X interface. The organizing Company reserves the right to disqualify a Team (and all its members) if one of the members has not accepted or has not complied with the obligations arising from the Regulations.

The Program consists of the Participants making contributions (or project) defined by deliverables, meeting the requirements set by the Association in the Program brief. The brief includes information such as various deadlines and mandatory attendance dates, participation deadlines, the Association’s requirements, etc. (the “Brief”). The Brief is accessible on the Challenge Site.


During the call for projects, Participants can download, via the Site, any documents or files (such as texts, presentations, videos, etc.) related to their project as responses and solutions to the Challenge of the organizing Company (the “Deliverable(s)”).

To be valid, the Deliverables must:

  1. Address the specific problem posed in the Brief;
  2. Be in a standard digital format (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .pttx, .key, .odt, .mp3, .mpeg, .mov, .mp4);
  3. Be in French, and generally; and
  4. Comply with the conditions set by the Regulations.

If a Deliverable cannot be downloaded, is not in the correct format, or is incompatible, illegible, or unintelligible, the Deliverable will not be considered by the Association.

By submitting a Deliverable, Participants declare and guarantee that:

  1. The Deliverable consists solely of contributions from the Participants. Otherwise, if content from a third party has been used for the preparation of the Deliverable, you must have obtained and been granted all necessary rights, authorizations, and agreements to submit the Deliverable.
  2. The existence of a contribution from a third party in violation of its copyright may lead to the disqualification of the Deliverable and the concerned Participants.
  3. No other physical person and/or legal entity, regardless of its form, can claim any right over the use of the Deliverables; and that
  4. The content of the Deliverables must not violate any third party’s rights, including (but not limited to) intellectual property rights, the right to privacy, competition law, confidentiality, or any other contractual or non-contractual right. Any Deliverable suspected of violating third-party rights and/or one or more laws will be ineligible for the Challenge.

All costs and expenses related to the preparation and submission of the Deliverables are the responsibility of the Participants. Participants are solely responsible for damaged, lost, delayed, incomplete, invalid, incorrect, or misdirected Deliverables. The Association reserves the right to claim from the Participants any damage it may suffer as a result of the violation of the guarantees related to the Deliverables.

Progress of the Program

Program Stages. The Program consists of several selection phases:

  1. The first stage of selection: Deliverables are accepted from February 25, 2024, 00:01 to May 10, 2024, at 23:59. At the end of this stage, a maximum of 10 teams will be selected and will move on to the second stage.
  2. The second stage of selection: At the end of this stage on August 22, 2024, a maximum of 5 teams will be selected and will move on to the final.
  3. The final: Deliverables will be accepted until September 29, 2024.

Deliverables. The fact that a participant/team does not submit the Deliverables before the announced end date will be considered as a withdrawal from participation in the Program. The Participant will not be able to rejoin the Program or receive any compensation from the Association under any circumstances.

Selection Criteria

The deliverables will be judged in particular based on the following selection criteria. The Participant acknowledges being informed and accepts that the proposed Program calls for their creativity, sagacity, skill, and ingenuity to solve complex problems.

The Jury may evaluate and select the Deliverables based on their content and the following criteria:

Impact: Do the proposed solutions have a long-term positive impact? Is the protection of the oceans at the heart of the proposed challenge? Innovation: To what extent is the proposed solution innovative? Do alternative solutions already exist? If so, how does the proposed solution differ from the alternatives? Relevance: To what extent does the Deliverable meet the specific need expressed in the Brief? Feasibility: To what extent is it possible to implement the proposed solution?

Notification to Participants

Once the selection is complete, Participants will be notified by email, phone, or any other means, at the sole discretion of the organizing Company, of the results of each selection stage. The organizing Company is free to change the dates on which the results are communicated, in the event that the number of projects to be reviewed would make this change necessary. The ranking decided by the jury will be announced on the day of the Final and will designate the finalist Participants.

Registration Phase

All Deliverables for this stage must be submitted to the organizing Company before May 19, 2024, at 23:59. The Deliverables must meet the specifications defined in section 6 above and must include:

A press release explaining their idea, created using the template available for download on the dedicated Challenge website, in .ppt or .pdf format. A team presentation video of a maximum of 2 minutes shared through a URL (Vimeo, YouTube, others) Except for the provisions set forth below, the 10 teams that receive the highest scores at the end of the stage will join the Pangaea X program.

Participants will be informed of the results of the first stage of selection on May 26, 2024.

Registration Phase

All Deliverables for this first stage must be submitted to the Association before August 18, 2024, at 23:59. The Deliverables must meet the specifications that will be defined during the program.

In the context of this second stage of selection, the votes will take place as follows:

Except for the provisions set forth below, the 5 teams selected at the end of the voting stage, win this stage, and will move on to the next stage of selection. Participants will be informed of the results of the second stage of selection on August 22, 2024.

Final Phase

All Deliverables for this first stage must be submitted to the organizing Company before September 29, 2024, at 23:59. The Deliverables must meet the specifications that will be defined during the program.

Participants will be informed of the results during the final on October 18, 2024.


The winning team of the Challenge will have:

An opportunity to go on an expedition with Mike Horn to Svalbard at the end of 2022. €20,000 to contribute to the development costs of the project. (prize subject to conditions) No assignment or transfer of the prize by a winning team is permitted between the different winning teams. If a winner cannot be contacted, cannot accept the prize or part of it, for whatever reason, the Association will assume no obligation towards this winner. Every winner will accept the prize “as is”. The Association provides no warranty, whatsoever, on the prizes.

A Participant who does not comply with the conditions of participation provided in the Regulations, during their registration and/or at any stage of the selection process will be disqualified, with immediate effect and without notice, from the Program.


The Participant acknowledges and agrees that the organizing Company may use the Program for advertising, communication, and marketing purposes for the organizing Company, regardless of the format, means, and supports (website, advertising banners, social networks, newsletter, press release, etc.), known or unknown to date, free of charge or for a fee.

To this end, you consent to the use by the organizing Company, of your name and first name, your city and region of residence, your image, and any other personal data that you submit with your Deliverables as well as the content of your Deliverables related to the Program. For example, each Participant authorizes the organizing Company to use the photographs and videos taken during the program to distribute them on all communication supports.

This use does not entitle you to any remuneration and does not require any additional consent from you.


The Association is under no obligation to keep confidential the information contained in the Deliverables submitted by the Participants. In general, by submitting a Deliverable, Participants acknowledge and accept that the information contained therein may be disclosed to the public by the Association.

If you are among the winners, the Association or its partners may ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement in order to start negotiations concerning the development of your project as described in your Deliverable. This confidentiality agreement will concern your Deliverable as well as the intellectual property rights associated with it.

Participants acknowledge that other Participants, whether individuals or companies, may have provided or will provide in the future to the Association or to third parties, or have disclosed or will disclose to the public, content similar or identical to information contained in a Deliverable. Consequently, Participants acknowledge and accept that the Association has the right to use said similar or identical content, and that Participants will not have the right to any compensation related to the use of this content by the Association.

Intellectual Property

Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following terms are defined as:

“Intellectual property rights”: any copyright or other rights relating to a trademark, design or model, patent and, more generally, any element (including trade secrets and know-how) that can be protected by national and/or international laws, or by conventions relating to intellectual property (“Intellectual Property Rights”);

“Prior rights”: any intellectual property right and/or any associated know-how held by the Participants before the start date of the Challenge (“Prior Rights”);

“Creations”: any software (including source code and object code), database, technical specification, text, drawing, model, information, knowledge, method, process or product, as well as any element and/or process resulting from it, developed by a Participant as part of a Deliverable submitted during the Challenge and that can be protected or is likely to be protected under national and/or international intellectual property laws and conventions in force (“Creations”).

Non-infringement warranty. By submitting a Deliverable, at any stage of the Challenge, each Participant guarantees to the organizing Company that they are the co/owner and/or co/holder of the Intellectual Property Rights relating to all or part of the Creations contained in the Deliverables, and that they have obtained all the necessary rights and authorizations concerning these pre-existing Creations or belonging to a third party.

Each Participant guarantees that:

their contributions are unpublished and original; their contributions do not infringe the rights of a third party; all elements composing their contributions as well as all information communicated in the Deliverables are accurate, reliable, and complete; and the submission of the Deliverables does not constitute an act of unfair competition. Participants must necessarily include the source of all pre-existing Creations included in the Deliverables submitted. Any Deliverable developed by several Participants constitutes a collaborative work and should be treated as such under the applicable regulations in force.


The responsibility of the organizing Company cannot be held in any case for violation by Participants of the above provisions.

Each Participant indemnifies the Association in case of claims, oppositions, actions, or attempts of eviction by a third party, concerning any of the Creations contained in the Deliverables (including the associated intellectual property rights).

Modification of the Rules, Suspension, and Cancellation of the Challenge Modification of the Rules

In an effort to adapt to the evolutions of the challenge, the Association reserves the right to modify, unilaterally and without notice, the rules of the Program, subject to informing all candidates in advance by email. The Participant expressly waives any claim or dispute related to any modification made to the Rules by the organizing Company.

Suspension or cancellation of the Program.

The association reserves the right, at its discretion:

to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Program and the Rules, for any reason, at any time, and without incurring liability; and to limit or restrict participation in the Program. The Association cannot be held responsible for the modification, cancellation, or suspension of the Program, and no compensation or remuneration will be due to the Participants.

Limitation of Liability

The Association cannot be held responsible for any disruption, both on the Internet network or access difficulties related to a large number of connections or Participants. It cannot, in any way, be held responsible for communication or access cuts, data loss, computer viruses, or any direct or indirect damage whatsoever, possibly suffered by a Participant before, during, and after their participation in the Program.

Furthermore, the Association cannot be held responsible for any facts or damages that are not directly or indirectly attributable to them, particularly resulting from faults or delays in the submission of the Deliverables by the Participants, including the refusal to accept these Deliverables due to their submission outside the scheduled dates, damages resulting from faults or delays in sending emails by the Participant as part of the Program, as well as damages resulting from any alteration made to the Deliverables independently of the will of the Association, or even a case of force majeure likely to disrupt, modify, or cancel the Program.

Consequently, the Participants waive any recourse against the Association and its agents for damages and/or injuries they may suffer as part of the Program.

The Association will, in no case, be held responsible for the consequences of the disqualification of a Participant due to the latter’s violation of the Rules.

Protection of Personal Data Participation in the Program requires the communication of the Participant’s personal data (“Personal Data”).

The Participant’s Personal Data is subject to processing within the meaning of the regulations on the protection of personal data for which the organizing Company defines the purposes and means and is, as such, responsible for this processing under the GDPR.

The purposes of this processing are:

to meet the needs of organizing the Contest; to organize intermediation between the Participant and the Partner Organization, to ensure identification, communication, and preservation of exchanges with the Participant; In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, the organizing Company commits to implementing organizational and technical security measures aimed at protecting all the Participants’ Personal Data. Similarly, the organizing Company commits to allowing Participants to exercise their rights under the GDPR.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction The Program is subject to Swiss law.

In the event of a dispute relating to the Program, Participants agree to make every effort to settle the dispute amicably.

Any dispute arising from or related to the Program will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Lausanne.


Case Postale 174
1009 Pully, Suisse